We designers have often a big dilemma in how to start designina our projects.
Most of us grab a pencil, and start designing the buttons, the shapes, some even try to redefine
the logo, when others dive directly in Sketch and go full-on creative mode.
The problem is that we tend to ignore the needs of the customer and try to implement our own
ideas without respecting the main concept. We usually go on and think more about the Ul
instead of UX and here is where most of us make mistakes
A designer’s Job Is to sell
Not in the sense of selling products, but in sense convincing that something Is worth Investing
A great designer is a great communicator, when he can talk as if he draws, and draw as if he talks
So in order to sell better, you need to understand what the client needs, and often the doesn’t
need our Creativity or Design expertise, they need our ability to solve problems. They want
you to think everything though and put order into their Chaos. You are, in a way, their saviour
their problem-solver
When starting to work with bigger and bigger projects, you need to realise that the are not
paving to see beautiful boxes, they are paving to see how, this box is going to solve their issue
and most of the times, a good UX is a dull Ul.